Irish Marine Federation

Irish Marine Federation Attend At Buoyant Southampton Boat Show 2015

David O'Brien (left) Chairman of the Irish Marine Federation, Howard Pridding, Chief Executive of the British Marine Federation (centre) and Mats Eriksson of Sweboat in Sweden.

Did Southampton Boat Show 2015 that ended at the weekend mark the end of the recession for the Irish Marine trade? That depends on who you talk to but if numbers are any evidence to go by there was plenty more Irish faces among the 110,000 that enjoyed a taste of Britain’s biggest boating festival.

Irish show-goers made good use of the Flybe connections from Dublin and the sprinkling of Irish marine firms among the 500 exhibitors gave a great sense of pre-recessionary times.

Mid–week wet weather may have dragged down attendance numbers but it failed to dampen the mood at this year’s Show.

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